Fiber Bundles
Our capabilities
Bundle configuration
Fiber bundles can be designed in many configurations,
from simple I-type bundles to very complex custom configurations.

This is the standard light delivery bundle, with a single input and output.

Y bundles are perfect for:
- dividing a light source into two sources
- combining two sources into single one
- sending a signal through one leg and getting feedback into second leg

Your imagination is the only limit.
We have made bundles:
- with 361 inputs and a single output
- that are highly complex, with several inputs, several outputs and feedback legs
Bundle geometry
Depending on your light source or necessary emission geometry, you can choose your bundle type by its end geometry—round, line, square or custom.

Round bundles are the most commonly used shape due to the geometry of light sources and optics, which are mostly round.

Line geometry is perfect for light that spreads across large surface, for example UV curing during display production.

With rectangle geometry, you can maximize the coupling from light source to the detector, meaning no light will be lost and thus making your system more efficient.
Fiber arrangement
You can choose any fiber arrangement that is necessary for your application.

This is the best arrangement for mixing light perfectly between two or more legs within a bundle.

This is a commonly used arrangement for reflection bundles, where central fibers transmit light from a source and fibers on the border collect the reflected light.

We can specify exact location of each fiber within the bundle, thereby letting you know the amount and placement of the light.
Fiber Bundle end-face finishes
There are several ways to terminate a fiber bundle end. Tell us about your application and we will suggest the most appropriate solution for your application.


- Cost-effective solution
- Transmission of around 60%
- Option to minimize fiber crosstalk


- A higher power threshold
- Applicable to harsh environments
- Transmission of around 80%


- The possibility for geometry other than a circle
- Higher precision
- Higher beam homogeneity for silica/silicone bundles
- A higher power threshold for silica/silica bundles
- 100% packing


- The possibility for geometry other than a circle
- Higher precision
- Higher beam homogeneity for silica/silicone bundles
- A higher power threshold for silica/silica bundles
- 100% packing
Need some help?
Our team of advisors can help you in figuring out which components would be the most effective for your project and application needs.